Saturday 13 November 2021

Practical Spirituality for Youth with Dreams

Practical Spirituality for Youth with Dreams

The future of the world is the legacy of the youth with dreams. Youth are creative and dynamic. Youth of dreams with character and courage can change the histories and destinies of nations. Youth constitute the most precious gift of The Divine to human race.

'A man without a dream and a nation without a vision shall perish', This old Jewish axiom has great wisdom in it. Every one of us should have a dream to pursue in life. It is said by the wise that a dream to pursue, a person to love and a mission to accomplish are the three essential requirements to make one's life really worth living.

According to Dr, APJ Abdul Kalam, the late Scientist-President of India, a dream is not what you see in your sleep. It is that which does not allow you to sleep. Such dreams make life exiting and fruitful. Youth is the time for such dreams. You are young. You need to dream, and dream big. Dreaming small is a crime for youth like you.

At your age I too was a big dreamer. My first dream was to become an Air Force Officer. I was able to realise that dream with flying colours. I had also won 'Best Officer' Trophy from the Defense Minister of India at the time of Commissioning. It was in 1972. After my marriage to a wonderful lady officer of the Indian Revenue Service in 1979, my dreams became much bigger. I wanted to start the first Private Airline operating between Kerala and the Gulf countries, and an Industry manufacturing Airships as well as a Hovercraft Service in the backwaters of Kerala. 'Lajones Intermational' was the name of my proposed MNC. Very big dream, indeed.

But The Divine had something else in store for me. An encounter with death in an air accident in 1982 became a turming point' in my life. Life took a radically different tum after that near-death experience. was a 35-year old ambitious and hard working Squadron Leader of the Indian Air Force at that time.

The encounter with death at the least expected moment in my life made me think deeply about the meaning and purpose of my life in this world. I have now travelled more than 35 years in this path of 'meaningful and purposeful life. have also completed 70 years of age.

What I wish to share with you here today as you venture out in pursuit of greater dreams of your own are few of the discoveries that I have made in my quest lo the meaning and purpose of human life. This quest had begun soon after ny encounter with death in 1982. It has been an exciting pilgrimage of faith and an equally chalenging spiritual adventure.

I hope that what l share with you today will be useful in making your own more meaningful and purposeful.